
Life is not always good... which is why music exists.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

My Other Best Fuckin' Friends Forever!

         These are my other best f*ckin' friends forever, Dana and Kiela. I don't know what I'm gonna do without them. They unbelievably understand my bullshits. I mean I don't even know how they can stand being around me even after telling them stuffs about myself that I'm not gonna be able to tell my own parents about. Actually, I think I'm falling in love with them. Kidding! Haha. 
         Though there are times that we misunderstand each other. There are times when I want to punch them in their effin' faces and times when they wanna kick me as hard as they could. But It's okay. Friends fight. They do, right? It doesn't mean that they don't love each other. Dana and Kiela aren't my friends anymore. They're like a part of my family.

Where Can I Sleep?

       So here I'am, in our living room, at 3:30 in the morning, doing this and that with nowhere to sleep. We've got visitors. I'm not in the mood to explain why they're here. Oh God, I think I'm still feeling a little dizzy. Anyway, the thing is, I've got nowhere to sleep. It's okay 'cause I can't really do anything about it. I'm just gonna wait here until everyone wakes up then I'm gonna try to sleep or whatever the hell I can do. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Best Fuckin' Friends Forever!

       They are My Best Fuckin' Friends Forever. Words can't express my love for them. It doesn't show but I care about them, They've helped me through my darkest days and I'am very thankful. Believe me. They may not be the most understanding, down-to-earth or agreeable people I've met but there's something about these idiots that you just can't not love. These guys are a perfect example of different people getting along with each other just fine. I observe them sometimes and they all have different personalities. It amazes me. They're amazing... And I love them. ;) :))